video platforms and social impact

With billions of views, Video platforms have become the most relevant and impactful communication channel in the world, with infinite libraries of entertainment and education content that is generated in a bigger scale and at a faster pace than ever before. Video platforms such as Youtube, Netflix, Hulu, Vimeo, Daily Motion, iQiyi, Sohu, TikTok, Tencent Video, Youku, Disney + and others, literally create the new culture, teach us what we know, train us, make us happy, inspire us, provide comfort, company, information and the possibility of being creators and audience at the same time. They can be a relevant source of income and an extraordinary marketing tool for businesses and individuals all over the world.

In such a context, it is important to notice that, as we know from superhero movies, a great power comes with a great responsibility.

WIA is an organization with only one goal, to influence influential organizations to use their power and their resources to improve the state of the world, providing ideas, solutions, projects and campaigns that can generate value for all the stakeholders while helping solve relevant problems or improve things in the most effective way possible.

Video platforms have the possibility of inspiring generations of people in almost every country on earth to act to make the world a better place. They have the possibility of creating or incentivizing content that gives us hope in a better future, specific information and skills that can provide us the tools we need to be effective changemakers. Video platforms can and should have a key role in Social Impact, in the work to achieve the SDGs, in the fight against inequality, injustice, war, terrorism, as a powerful partner to inform everyone of what the world needs, what we can do, why should we do it and how can we do it.

WIA approach to collaboration with Video Platforms include:

  1. Creation of Social Impact TV
  2. Social Impact featured sections in platforms
  3. Incentivize content that can generate a positive impact
  4. Produce content that inspires the audience to provide value to the world
  5. Promote educational videos, documentaries, series and films that can help people progress, find or create jobs, adapt to a future of job disruption and develop small and individual businesses, specially in underdeveloped areas
  6. Include social impact goals or calls to action not only in the content, but also in the communication and marketing campaigns that can serve, not only as promotion for the show and the platform, but also as a call for a better world in aspects that align with the values the content stands for.
  7. Ask your celebrities and actors to be more active in the advocacy for relevant issues
  8. Include social topics in the events that have global repercussion and can influence positively millions of people. A lot of people will still focus more on the red carpet outfits, but framing positive messages in these activities is positive for the image of the industry, positive for each stakeholder involved, and positive for the world. Plus, it does not require more time, money or effort to do it this way, and can be very beneficial for all.