Business opportunities for your organization
Grow membership, community and audience of your organization
Full access to all the intelligence, research, reports, solutions, best practices, innovation models of WIA Consulting
Full access to all the templates, business model, innovation, disruption, technological convergence, combinatorial strategy, investment pitch and personal growth canvases of WIA Future School and WIA Consulting
Access to WIA events to representatives of your organization
Invitation to the leadership of your organization to speak at WIA Events and meetings
WIA Membership and Ambassadorship for Leadership and Executives of your organization
Conduct shared research
Develop impact and innovation solutions in partnership with WIA
Develop pilot projects of WIA concept models and receive support to implement solutions to maximize profit and impact for your organization
Give further visibility to the research, publications and content of your organization
Offer internship opportunities to work in WIA for your students (*Education institutions)
Exclusive access to products, services and special conditions from our rewards program with benefits from leading international organizations
Provide benefits, rewards, access to WIA network, resources and initiatives for your Alumni Network (*Education Institutions)
Special conditions for your organization and its employees in WIA Business school programs and WIA Consulting services
Special conditions in strategic innovation, communication, corporate – public affairs, impact and training consulting services from WIA experts
Special conditions in executive coaching sessions from WIA experts
Special conditions for Keynotes from our international speakers
Special conditions for corporate training services from WIA experts
Special conditions for products and services from members of WIA Network, WIA corporate partners
organizations can:
Become a sponsor of WIA initiatives
Become an institutional partner of WIA and its initiatives
Become corporate partner of WIA and its initiatives
Become a knowledge and research partner of WIA and its initiatives
Become a technological partner of WIA and its initiatives
Become a media and communication partner of WIA and its initiatives
Provide pro bono services from your employees for WIA initiatives
Implement solutions, innovation and impact maximization models from WIA
Provide institutional support for WIA initiatives
Provide in kind rewards to WIA Network
Provide products or services from your organization to maximize impact in WIA Initiatives
Provide access to your events, meetings or initiatives to WIA representatives
Write a Letter or create a video message of Support to WIA initiatives
Provide a venue for WIA initiatives
Create an “Impact Innovation” section or content series in your media with solutions and content developed in collaboration with WIA (*Media outlets)