Title: IE – WIA – IWF Leadership Innovation Day – Jordan
Location: Amman, Jordan
Time/Date: 11th of October. 18:00-22:30
Organizers: IE University, World Innovation Alliance, International Women´s Forum
Venue: Intercontinental Amman
Title of the Masterclass: Effective leadership to drive innovation and social impact in the public and private sector
Topics: Leadership, Innovation, Technology, Business growth, International Relations, and Governance
Content: Participants will learn dozens of concrete strategies to maximize business growth, career development, and social impact. This session includes practical applications of new technologies, resource optimization, and keys to developing effective and moral leadership to improve results, organizations, and communities.
Masterclass Speaker: Carlos Sentís, lecturer at IE and CEO of the World Innovation Alliance
Registration Link: https://events.ie.edu/event/leadership-and-innovation-day
Attendees: Professionals interested in expanding their leadership and innovation skills, entrepreneurs, executives, and representatives of high-level corporations and public institutions
17:25-18:00: Check-In and reception at the Sofitel Le Gabriel Hotel
18:10 Event presentation
18:15 Welcome speech by IE University
18:25 – 20:00 pm IE University Masterclass by Carlos Sentís, lecturer at IE and CEO of the World Innovation Alliance
20:00pm-20:45pm Guest Interventions
1) Nabila Toubia Morcos, International Women´s Forum
2) Guest speakers
20:45-10:30 Business Networking
End of the event